Where in the world is Little Shot?
From schools & churches to homes & libraries,
Little Shot has been in skies all over the world!
Clay International in South Bend
Michiana Christian Academy in South Bend
“Tasha is energetic, positive, and a great model for students to see.”
40 years experience
“Tasha did an amazing job! Her presentation was engaging, and her stories share so many positive ideas!”
18 years experience
Mishawaka Catholic School St. Bavo Campus
Mishawaka Catholic School St. Joseph Campus
“Tasha did a wonderful job explaining what it takes to get a book published. It takes courage and perseverance. This is good for our students to hear.”
28 years experience
“Tasha did an excellent job relating to the children. Loved it all!”
30 years experience
Eisenhower Elementary in Warsaw
Adventure with the Stars preschool in Warsaw
Faith Christian Co-Op in Warsaw
“The books used great vocabulary. Loved how Tasha showed the writing process.”
33 years experience
“Tasha kept the students entertained.”
34 years experience
Bourbon Public Library
Triton in Bourbon
Made on Main in Milford
Crossroads Elementary in Kentucky
“I have the low reading class (10 IEPs and not one of them reads on level) so finding stuff that excites that group is a challenge to say the least.
They loved reading The Little Shot: Courage and writing book reviews! One asked when the next book will be published!”
16 years experience
St. Peter in North Judson
Kingdom Kids Vacation Bible School in Goshen
“Tasha engaged the kids and talked with them. She didn’t just read a book and leave. It was a memorable experience for them.”
13 years experience
“The extension activities Tasha left were perfect for 1st grade.
My class always asks lots of questions, but they didn’t have to because they understood what to do. They love art and sharing stories about themselves.”
6 years experience
Benton Elementary in Benton
Milford Elementary in Milford
“The books used great vocabulary. Loved how Tasha showed the writing process.”
33 years experience
Where you can purchase Little Shot books
Baycare Hospital
Tampa, FL
Prophetstown State Park
West Lafayette, IN
Local Libraries
through Ingram Spark
More locations are coming soon!
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